Our Goal for 2024 is to help 50,000 Australians lower their Cholesterol! 

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Lower Lipid is a natural product that is formulated to lower lipids (cholesterol), particularly LDL cholesterol, without the need of statins because it offers a safe and effective alternative to support heart health.

Our blend promotes the lowering of cholesterol levels naturally and improves the following :
* Reduced cardiovascular risk
* Improved blood vessel health
* Overall well-being without the potential side effects associated with statin medications.
* Improved gut and digestive health

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Plant Sterols: The Cholesterol Buster

One of the key ingredients in our supplement is plant sterols, and they are the secret weapon against high cholesterol. Plant sterols, also known as phytosterols, are natural compounds found in plants that have been extensively studied for their cholesterol-lowering benefits.

How Plant Sterols Work

Plant sterols have a similar structure to cholesterol, and when consumed, they compete with cholesterol for absorption in the intestines. This means that less dietary cholesterol is absorbed into your bloodstream, leading to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels.

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The Evidence

Numerous clinical studies have demonstrated the cholesterol-lowering effects of plant sterols. For example, a meta-analysis published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that consuming plant sterols reduced LDL cholesterol levels by an average of 14%.

These findings suggest that plant sterols are a safe and effective way to lower cholesterol levels.

Additionally, the TGA has recognized the benefits of plant sterols, allowing products containing them to carry a health claim related to heart disease risk reduction.

By including plant sterols in our supplement, Lower Lipid, we are providing you with a scientifically proven ingredient that can help you achieve healthier cholesterol levels and reduce your risk of heart disease.

But that's not all! Lower Lipid contains Oat bran and Psyllium husk, which further enhance its cholesterol-lowering properties. Oat bran is rich in soluble fiber, known to reduce LDL cholesterol, while psyllium husk is a well-known natural laxative that can also help lower cholesterol levels.

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Your Natural Pathway to Lower Cholesterol and a Healthier Life!

Effective Cholesterol Reduction

Lower Lipid's unique blend of plant sterols, oat bran, and psyllium husk offers an effective way to lower cholesterol levels, particularly LDL (bad) cholesterol.

Scientifically Proven

The cholesterol-lowering properties of plant sterols are supported by numerous clinical studies, making Lower Lipid a scientifically validated choice for managing cholesterol.

Heart Health Support

Lower Lipid promotes overall heart health by reducing the risk of heart disease through cholesterol management.

Natural Ingredients

Lower Lipid's formula is derived from natural sources, making it a safe and sustainable choice for those looking to improve their heart health naturally.

Soluble Fiber Boost

Oat bran, rich in soluble fiber, further aids in lowering LDL cholesterol levels while supporting digestive health.

Contributes to Overall Wellness

Lowering cholesterol levels is a critical step towards better overall health and longevity, and Lower Lipid makes it easier for you to take control of your well-being.

Real Stories, Real Results

Lower Lipid Customer Reviews



"Life-changing for me!"

Lower Lipid truly works. My cholesterol dropped from 4.5 to 3.9, and I feel healthier than ever.



"Impressive Results for my heart!"

"Lower Lipid made a noticeable difference in my cholesterol levels. Highly recommended! Especially feeling better on the bike! "

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"Lower Lipid: My Heart's Best Friend"

"I trust Lower Lipid to protect my heart. It's become a daily essential for me."

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